Transcribed by Dave Hunter - [email protected], from a copy provided by Alec Blue. Thank you Alec. This directory, printed in 1935 serves as an excellent post-census fill in for those researching relatives, particularly those living in Charlottetown, as it lists the address at which they resided in in 1935. The telephone numbers given in this directory were used prior to the introduction of dial telephone service on P.E.I. - none work today, but I have left them in for interest sake.
Since the time of this directory, Island Tel has forged its way into the forefront of telephone technology, and is providing service second to none. It is interesting to compare what the Island telephone system is now, to the way it was sixty six years ago. We can be thankful for all the contributions of the company's employees and management made in the intervening years towards this end.
For an earlier directory, see the 1922 book transcription!
Prince Edward Island
Telephone Directory
The Island Telephone Company Limited
List of Subscribers
Board of Directors and Executive Officials
J. H. Winfield, President
G. Fred Pearson, K.C., Vice-President
E. L. MacDonald, Director
Andrew MacKinlay, DirectorC. H. Mitchell, Director
T. N. Goudge
Secretary-TreasurerWalter S. Grant
ManagerD. M. Gass, Commercial and Traffic Supd.
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
The Island Telephone Company Limited
Public Notice
The Company's Tariffs are open for public inspection. The Exchange Tariffs may be seen on application to the Manager or Agent at any of the Company's Central Offices.
Long Distance Toll Tariffs may be seen on application at the Company's Office in the City of Charlottetown, or to the Manager or Agent at any of the Company's Central Offices.
The following are the Central and Toll Offices in Prince Edward Island:
Instructions and Important Suggestions
Terms and Conditions of Exchange Service Contracts:
Exchange Service: A Subscriber to exchange service is entitled to service with all the subscriber's stations (other than non-guarantee pay stations) connected with the exchange covered by the contract.
Short Term Service: Where patrons desire service for a period of less than 12 months, the Company will provide exchange service at its established short term rates.
A subscriber receiving exchange service under a 12 month's contract desiring to surrender the service before the initial twelve months have expired, may do so by paying the established short term rate.
Mileage: The regularly established exchange rates cover exchange service furnished subscribers within a defined area. Mileage, at established rates, is added when subscribers are outside such area.
Special Construction: Where special construction is necessary, such as erecting poles on private property in order to establish service, such poles must be provided, set and maintained by the subscriber or the cost of the work paid by the subscriber.
Use of Instruments and Apparatus: The telephone instruments and apparatus furnished to subscribers shall be carefully used according to the operating rules of the Company. They shall not be removed from their location, nor connected with any instruments, attachments, or apparatus not furnished by the Company; and shall not be used in any way in competition with the business conducted by the Company.
Residence and Business Use: Contracts at residential service rates permit the use of the telephone for usual social and domestic purposes by the subscriber and members of his family only, and do not permit habitual use for business purposes. Any habitual use of residence service for business purposes will constitute a violation of the residence service contract. Contracts at business service rates permit the use of the telephone by the subscriber or the agents and the employees of the subscriber when engaged on the subscriber's business.
Failure of Service: For any complete failure of exchange service, brought to the notice of the Company, in writing, and continued for more than 24 hours thereafter, the Company will make a pro-rata rebatement of charge or guarantee; but in view of the liability to errors in transmitting speech by telephone and the impossibility of fairly fixing the cause thereof, all other risks of service are assumed by the customer.
Changing Location or Style of Subscriber's Stations or Equipment: A subscriber may arrange to change the location or style of the telephone station or equipment, having the option of paying the regular charges therefor, or terminating the contract (See Termination of Contract) and arranging a new contract under established practice.
Change in Class of Service: The Company will change the class of a subscriber's service to a higher grade upon a written request and upon payment of the proportional part of the service connection charge applying to such higher class of service. Adjustment of charges for the service terminated will be made on a pro-rate basis, without a short term charge, providing a new contract is entered in to. This does not apply to suburban 4-party service or to service affected by special conditions.
Transfer of Contracts: Subscribers may arrange for the transfer of their contracts to other parties at the same location, provided there is a complete continuity of billing, on payment by the new subscriber of a charge of two dollars. A contract covering auxiliary service is automatically transferred when the main contract is transferred.
Termination of Contracts: Subscribers having yearly contracts may terminate the same during the initial period upon payment of the Company's established short-term rates for the service rendered or, if the initial period of twelve months has expired, upon payment of all charges at regular rates up to the date of termination of contract. A contract covering auxiliary service is automatically terminated when the main contract is terminated.
Public Pay Station Service: All calls originating at public pay stations shall be charged for in accordance with the Company's regular schedule of rates for public pay stations. This applies to both exchange, local, and long distance calls. All incoming calls [rest of line cut off at the bottom of the page]
Interruption of Service for Non-Payment: In case of any default of payment, or other breach of the terms of a contract, or of these terms and conditions, the Company may disconnect the service, or terminate the contract and remove the subscribers station or stations, and apparatus. A charge of fifty cents (50c.) will be made for restoring service so disconnected when the subscriber's station is within the town or city limits or within the free mileage area of the exchange or when the line is a one party line. In all other cases the actual cost of disconnection and reconnection will be charged. Such charges and all arrears shall be paid before the station is reconnected. In case of termination of the contract, the balance due under the contract shall be immediately payable.
Directory: The Company will not be responsible for errors in its Directory, or any failure to comply with requests for listings, but will use all reasonable care in preparing and printing it.
The directory numbers of the subscriber's station, or stations, may be changed by the Company at any time as the exigencies of its business may reasonably require.
The numbers of party line customers are especially subject to change.
Temporary Discontinuance of Service: Subscribers to individual line exchange service may have service temporarily disconnected for any period not exceeding 5 months or less than one month in each contract year by notifying the Company in writing ten days in advance of the date from which service is to be discontinued. The service charge during the period of temporary disconnection will be reduced to 50 percent for each main station, and the subscriber's listing will be retained in the directory. No reduction will be made on the rates for excess mileage or auxiliary equipment including extension sets.
The same regulation will apply with respect to urban party-line service, but the rebate shall amount to only 25% of the service charges.
No rebate will be allowed in connection with suburban 4 party-line service, rural multi-party service, or where the contract is less than one year old.
Rural Push Button Service: Other parties on the same lines are rung in the usual manner using the "called" party's code signals. To call "Central" it is necessary to press the push-button when ringing. This button is located on the side of the instrument, near the receiver hook
Where a number of subscribers are connected to the same line, it is necessary to call each subscriber with a different ring. To facilitate this, a code has been devised so that these rings can be listed in numerals after the line number of the subscriber. For instance, if a subscriber's name appears as R5-22, this signifies that the customer is connected to Rural line number 5, ring two long, two short rings.
Below is a table showing how these ring codes are used, and they will be found quite simple, if it is remembered that for units give short rings, tens, give long rings, hundreds, short rings: --
1 _
51 __ __ __ __ __ _
2 _ _
110 _ __
3 _ _ _
111 _ __ _
4 _ _ _ _
112 _ __ _ _
5 _ _ _ _ _
113 _ __ _ _ _
6 _ _ _ _ _ _
114 _ __ _ _ _ _
11 __ _
120 _ __ __
12 __ _ _
121 _ __ __ _
13 __ _ _ _
122 _ __ __ _ _
14 __ _ _ _ _
123 _ __ __ _ _ _
15 __ _ _ _ _ _
130 _ __ __ __
21 __ __ _
131 _ __ __ __ _
22 __ __ _ _
132 _ __ __ __ _ _
23 __ __ _ _ _
140 _ __ __ __ __
24 __ __ _ _ _ _
141 _ __ __ __ __ _
31 __ __ __ _
150 _ __ __ __ __ __
32 __ __ __ _ _ _
210 _ _ __
33 __ __ __ _ _ _
211 _ _ __ _
41 __ __ __ __ _
212 _ _ __ _ _
To Navigate The Directory, Click on the desired Office Below: